Rochus Brittanys is a kennel in the Wye Valley, Herefordshire, UK, owned by Barbara and John Anderson.
In September 1996 our love of the Brittany began with a puppy called Rosevale Musician (Bret), bred by Jayne Cutler. A short time later his brother Rosevale Masterpiece (Merlin) joined our family. Both boys had superb temperaments and never had a cross word. Bret was not really interested in picking up game but Merlin was a great retriever and game finder. He loved nothing better than to go rough shooting with John and they competed occasionally in Field Trials so we were delighted when he was awarded a Certificate of Merit at a Field Trial in Norfolk.
I am on the Brittany Club of Great Britain Approved Judges A1 List and awarded my first set of Challenge Certificates at Welsh Kennel Club Championship Show in 2012. John also judges and is on the Brittany Club of Great Britain ‘B’ List.

In 2004 we imported a female called Sierra de Keranlouan from Patrick Morin’s great working kennel. Sierra was an adult and had produced a litter with Luron de Kerveillant and three from that litter went on to become Champions of Work. They were Usmael and Ubaye, 2 males and Utique a female.
Our plan was to start breeding and so we registered our affix, Rochus, with the Kennel Club and attached it to Sierra’s name so she became Sierra de Keranlouan avec Rochus.
On the 5th November 2004 Sierra produced our first litter sired by Rosevale Masterpiece, 4 males and 3 females. Volcan remained with us and became a Full Champion, Viviane went to Jayne Cutler and became a Show Champion. Ventroc (Gill) was a top working bitch for Dave Anderton during her lifetime.

A family walk with Merlin, Bret & Sierra soon after she arrived in the UK in 2004.